Make a difference in the life of many children in Latin America while you enjoy one of the best coffees in the world.

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Our Delicious Offer

Make a difference in the life of many children in Latin America while you enjoy one of the best coffees in the world.

We only bring the best coffee beans produced by unique farms from different regions in Colombia

We work with established families that have been growing the best coffee in the world for many years.

Coffee from a known geographic origin that has a premium value due to its high quality and atributes.

World famous coffee for its flavor and the unmistakeable mild but rich aroma that rises from every brew.

Help Us Keep a Child Safe

With your subscription of CND$30 per month, one (1) kid in vulnerable conditions will be invited to F4L program to receive:
Transportation to the training center on the practice days
Uniforms for presentation and soccer training classes
Studying Materials for Leadership classes
Nutritious Snacks after each practice
Soccer practices led in English to facilitate communication skills
Leadership Principles workshops for participants and parents four (4) times per year
Medical and Physiotherapy assistance for participants in the Futbol4life program.

Online Coffee Shop

We will be happy to process your order, roast, pack and deliver one of the BEST coffees in the world to your location in G.T.A and Calgary at NO DELIVERY COST on the first (5) days of each month.


We ne­go­ti­ate di­rectly with the farm­ers in Colombia.
We al­ways pay well-above mar­ket price.
We travel to many cof­fee re­gions to visit the producers.
We se­lect those that have the best prac­tices in the process of grow­ing cof­fee.
We show our cus­tomers the places and fam­i­lies be­hind one of the best cof­fees in the world.

The average size of the colombian small family-run coffee farms.


The percentage of the best tasting coffee species that is grown in Colombia


The perfect altitude in meters to grow the best coffee in the world


The average yearly export sales of Colombian coffee in billons of dollars

Drop us a line, or give us a heads up if you want to learn more about us.