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10 Colombian Special Coffee Brands We Like

Colombian coffee is more alive than ever.

Ours is one of the only countries that, no matter which department you are in, you can find freshly roasted coffee ready to drink.

Just two hours from Bogotá, at Mesitas del Colegio, is the San Miguel farm, where Nelcy Ayala has over 5,000 coffee trees, which she cares for with special dedication.

Thanks to its fruits, Ayala pulps, ferments and dries its coffee and then roasts it and launches it on the market through its brand Nelay, which offers a cup with citric notes of orange and panela.

Just like Ayala, there are more than 500,000 Colombian coffee producing families who are dedicated to planting and caring for each seed to bring out its flavours and offer all kinds of fragrances and aromas.


1 – Café Ginebras Origen Sevilla


As a brand, it represents more than 3,500 coffee growing families in the region, who are constantly concerned with improving their processes in terms of good cultivation, harvesting and processing practices in order to deliver a product that, when transformed, will delight your palate.

We guarantee to the coffee growers of Valle del Cauca a fair trade for the supply of an adequate raw material and to our clients the result of that hard work, framed in quality, commitment and ethics.


2 – Café Tinamú


The name of the brand for our coffee has been chosen as a tribute to the great diversity of birds and flora, among these the tinamou – birds typical of preserved and little intervened ecosystems – that are part of the exuberance and beauty of the landscape of the farms associated with ASOPECAM.

Our brand offers a unique experience according to the taste and preference of each client, which is why we have four lines differentiated by their quality.


3 – Café Mulato del Valle del Cauca


A leading Colombian company in the transformation of high quality export coffees that aims at a clean and sustainable production, socially and environmentally committed to guarantee the organic quality of our products.

We are a coffee grown in the foothills of the Andes, from the Cauca and the Valle del Cauca; in farms located in strategic places for their natural wealth, their biodiversity and their natural water sources.

We are a company that delivers to your country and the world a coffee with the best characteristics in aroma, freshness, taste and acidity.

A company that supports cooperatives and associations of small Colombian coffee growers certified by Ecocert.

We seek to bring the consumer closer to a coffee culture of organic origin with an awareness of environmental protection.


4 – Tatamá café de origen


The association of producers of high quality coffee in the municipality of Santuario Risaralda was born in 2012 as a response to the multiple needs of our producers, today we have 200 members we produce and offer the market microlots, regional, processes, in addition to roasted coffee under our brand Perla Dorada.

This is a 100% producers’ exercise, at present we have a collection centre, threshing centre, roasting centre and quality laboratory.

Santuario is strategically located in the western mountain range next to the Tatamá Natural National Park of the Last Virgin Parks of the World, where together with our reliefs and the warm winds coming from the valley, join with the cold ones of the National Park and in complicity create the ideal environmental offer to produce the Best Sanctuary Coffee Origin.

We work for the well-being of our associated families.


5 – Café Valle Santo By Santoro


With a family tradition that goes back several generations, the Santoro farm, located in the municipality of Trujillo (Valle), has developed the ValleSanto coffee brand.

It has also accompanied it with an experience of ecological tourism with comfort, unique in the region, so that its clients can let themselves be trapped by the magic of Colombian coffee from the Valle del Cauca.


6 – Café Los Comuneros


Our coffee is grown in the mountains of Santandere, under the shade of native and fruit trees. The ripe beans are picked by hand and our special post-harvest practices allow us to produce a coffee with an unparalleled aroma and taste, complex and elegant to satisfy the most demanding palates.

Café los Comuneros grows its beans in the lush Santanderean mountains and the selection is done manually by specialized collectors in the region, also perfectly combines traditional processes and innovative practices that make this company a responsible, sustainable and permanently committed to our customers and the environment.


7 – Girocafe


Girón has its own brand of coffee, produced by 72 associated families who for two years have brought the GIROCAFÉ brand to the national market and thanks to its excellent acceptance, the goal of the coffee growers of the Altamira area is to bring their brand to the international market.

Scenarios such as the Municipal Administration’s Farmers’ Market ‘Somos Campo, Somos Girón’ have been ideal for the commercialization of this product, which is catalogued by its consumers as soft and sweet to the palate.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development supports and accompanies each process, not only for the coffee growers of Giron, but also for all the producers of the rural sector, who are currently promoting its development.


8 – Monte brujas Káva


Montebrujas Káva coffee is grown in the municipality of Palmas del Socorro, Department of Santander, in eastern Colombia.

It has the denomination of origin and protected geographical denomination, issued by the Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia.

The cultivation of coffee under shade improves the soil and climatic conditions (soil, water and air) and allows the generation of microclimates inside the coffee plantations, helping to conserve the biodiversity with a greater number of species; birds, mammals and insects.


9 – Don Gallego café


The experience and knowledge in the metal-mechanic area, combined with the passion for coffee, led Mr. Carlos Mario Gallego (Our founder).

To start as Metálicas Belén, in 1991, in Belén de Umbría Risaralda.

Then in 1998, it changed its name to Agrometalicas Gallego, and in 2015, it obtained its legal status as Agrometalicas Gallego Sas.

By 2017 and due to its wide growth in the Agro Industrial sector, it changed its name again to AGRO INDUSTRIAS GALLEGO SAS.

Nowadays it is still established in Belén de Umbría Risaralda, and Mr. Carlos Mario Gallego is still its founder and manager.


10 – Café MME (Mamá Elisa)


Cultivated in the coffee-growing land of the department of Quindío, in the municipality of Armenia, with the care and tradition inherited from our grandmother Mama Elisa.

Catalogued as mountain coffee, of high purity and selection.

The result is a Gourmet Coffee with an aroma that seduces the senses, a soft flavour, a good body and low acidity.

The origin of the flavour is the balanced combination of carefully selected Arabica and Caturras coffee trees, grown as only traditional farmers know how to do.

Café Mama Elisa (MME) is grown with the most demanding and delicate care, respecting the environment and its natural surroundings.

We preserve the traditional cultivation and selection, with the help of harvesters.

Women and men of the Colombian countryside, dedicated to a dignified and noble work.

Finca Las Colinas, the birthplace of MME coffee.

MME coffee is cultivated on the land of

Las Colinas with a love of the cup with taste.

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